Children’s Department

Bookcase with five shelves of childrens books

Tune in to fun and a great reading treat at the Margaret Carder Library a place that can’t be beat! Books and Early Literacy Station too, all are there and waiting for you!  Discover, enjoy and explore the world at the Margaret Carder Library. The world can be yours when you take the time to read. Let the librarian’s help you learn, dream and succeed!  Children rock when having your family read with you. There’s something in it for everyone!  You’ll share laughter, dreams, joys and tears and moments you will treasure for years. The more you read, the more you’ll know and the more you share, the closer you’ll grow.

The McKee Reading Corner houses books, toddlers, elementary school children and teen books. McKee Reading Corner Story Time for Kindergarten children is held on second Tuesday mornings of each month from 10:00-10:45 a.m. Story Time activities include songs, stories, and crafts. All programs are free. Children must have a parent stay with them; however, we encourage a parent of older children to remain on site.  Pre-register your child