October 30th designated for Halloween Activities

Saturday, October 30th is designated for Halloween activities in the City of Mangum.  City officials ask that all those participating in Halloween do so on Saturday, as we have in years past when the holiday lands on a Sunday.  

Participants are encouraged to limit activities to the late afternoon and early evening, respecting quiet hours in the late evening.  Households that desire to take part in the evenings festivities are encouraged to turn their porch lights on.  Trick or Treaters should not disturb those households with their porch lights turned off.  

While we all want this to be a fun evening and we encourage participation for those who wish to do so, we also want everyone to be aware that COVID-19 is still prevalent in the region and county, we encourage everyone to review CDC guidance regarding mask wear and social distancing.  https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/daily-life-coping/holidays/celebrations.html